We Love Hearing From You!


Shams gets so many “Can I have 10 minutes to pick your brain?” type requests that he wouldn’t be able to get anything done if he responded to them all.

He gets hundreds of messages for different opportunities every day.

We do our best to share shams insights, knowledge and expertise on his Facebook business page; and his Instagram profile.

Below are the various ways to contact Shams and our team. Thanks for reaching out and for understanding! We’re happy to clarify that our team reads every single email that comes through.



Want to Get Shams Attention Fast?

Join His 3 Day's intimate Coaching Passion Challenge Now!


You will learn
  • Process to present both online & Offline

  • Learn the new skills within 3 days and apply instantly

  • Be able to persuading most likely any one

  • Once you learn the art of putting your message across persuading will not be are issue.

  • Preserve – Once you learn the art to present you will develop your following and two things will be very easy  for you how to preserve.



If you’re looking for customer support for one of our products:

“Register For Free 90 Minutes Virtual Workshop Now! Change Your Life Forever! “

“3 Day’s intimate Coaching Passion”

“3 Days PRE prerequisite Training”

“Apply for Masterclass”

“Wealth & Life Transformation Resource”







If you are a Large media outlet looking to do an interview, please give details, and we will get back to you Soon.



Shams is a great speaker and he will help to uplift your business. He charges a premium and wants to be compensated appropriately for his time. If you would like him to speak, please keep the message short and sweet.



There are 3 ways you can get coaching at this time. 1. Join the full “Mentors One Year Membership” program. 2. Attend “3 Day’s intimate Coaching Passion”. 2. Apply for “Masterclass”.

Anything Else


We’re here to help. If “none of the above” answers your way to get in touch, please fill out the contact form below and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.